We Take MSPs &

Cyber Security Consultants

From low lead flow, sales conversion & profit margins

To Acquiring 1-4 High Ticket Clients a month

By Building your business a custom growth plan and then executing the plan in partnership with your team.

Backed by a 2X R.O.I. Guarantee

Sectors We Specialize In

  • Critical infrastructure

  • Industrial

  • Construction

  • Sectors with Operational Technology (OT)

  • Sectors subject to Governance, Risk Mgt. & Compliance (GRC)

  • Manufacturing

  • Professional Services

  • Financial Services

Sell More Of Your High Ticket Services

  • Digital Transformation

  • Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Cloud Security

  • Endpoint Security

  • Network Security

  • Penetration Testing

  • Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

  • IoT Security

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Security

  • Critical Infrastructure Security

  • GRC

  • Compliance & Privacy

  • Co-managed IT Service

  • Incident Response

  • Security Awareness Training

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Zero Trust Security

  • Ransomware Protection and Recovery Services

  • Mobile Security

  • Managed IT Service

We Accelerate your Revenue by Providing a Combination of Done-4-u Services, Coaching & Consulting

All Cyber Security firms are different,

and so a one-size-fits-all approach is never optimal.

We take the time to learn the revenue-impacting parts of your business that you most need help with.

Only then do we build out a custom revenue growth plan.

Here are some of the core elements we may deliver to your business to accelerate & sustain client acquisition & revenue.


We build you a differentiated market positioning.

You no longer compete on price & have a path to increased prices.

Your value proposition is clearly articulated & resonate with your customer segments.


We implement & coach a scalable Lead Generation System.

10+ new qualified meetings every month are scheduled without needing expensive ad budgets.


We implement & coach a proven, Ai powered sales system.

You predictably win new business without being dependent on A+ salespeople.


Gathered insights & automation are further leveraged to accelerate new client acquisition with higher conversion, whilst requiring fewer staff hours.

Profit margins rise, customer retention improves and you raise your fees with confidence.

We hand the reigns to your team.

They're ready & able to propel your business growth using the systems, technology & upskilling we've delivered.

We Do We Work With:

Cyber Security Consultants



Cyber Security Software Companies

Cyber Insurance Firms

How Do We Partner With Businesses Like Yours?

We build your business a powerful customer acquisition machine.

We provide Consulting, Coaching & Done-4-U Services that deliver qualified sales opportunities.

We optimize your entire sales and marketing funnel (heavily leveraging automation, Ai & battle-tested systems).

Your business acquires 1-2 high (or several medium) ticket clients every month.

You benefit from shorter sales cycles, using fewer resources & acquire clients for less.

What Types Of Cyber Security Companies Do We Partner With?

  • This is for established businesses aiming to increase their revenue by a minimum of $500K - $2.5M in 12 months.

  • You have generated $750K - $15M annual revenue the past 2 years.

  • You deliver a great service / product but your growth has been stagnant.

  • If you’re a specialist, but still haven't achieved your full potential.

  • You need helping developing on offer & messaging that separates you from your competition that resonates with your target audience.

  • If you’re planning to expand into new territories or industries but uncertain about the best approach.

  • If you’re concerned about cash flow and maintaining a consistent sales pipeline.

  • If your customers love what you do & you have several positive testimonials

  • Your focus is on winning and cementing long term customer relationships .

  • If you need to scale your outreach and more efficiently generate sales opportunities.

  • If previous cold outbound efforts have been underwhelming or if you're skeptical of cold prospecting.

  • If you’re putting in maximum effort but not receiving the expected ROI.

  • If you're frustrated with your team's slow pace and want them to focus on driving business growth.

  • If you’re tired of wasting money on agencies that overcharge, overpromise, and underdeliver.

  • This is suitable for individuals interested in building long-term partnerships.

  • This is not for businesses without satisfied clients.

Our Exec Team

Liam - Founder

20 Years Marketing Growth Strategist Acquisition Expert

Led marketing acquisition & scaled two businesses with 9 Figure valuations The exact same skillset that will be used to grow your business. 

Held senior role at several high profile startups & Tier 1 global ad firms (Saatchi & Saatchi, Ogilvy & Mather)

Added more than $10M to client’s business (15+) using a pure lead gen model.

Across SaaS, Cyber Security, Web Applications, Local Businesses & more

Alan - Advisor & New Strategic Business Partnerships

25 years of sales experience in blue-chip organizations 

Led large sales teams at Multi-National


Continues to provides sales coaching to multinational companies



Sales Opportunities Delivered in as little 10 business days

You get a proven customer acquisition machine generates SQLs every week

Your highest value customer segments are engaged and delivered to your. sales team

New assets enable your business to scale & reduces reliance on "star" sales people.

The ability to never compete as a commodity against competitors with an inferior service to yours ever again.

Sales, Marketing & Retention improvements allow you to increase your rates with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are you able to guarantee results?

We bring on one new partner every 6-8 weeks allowing us to build a solid partnership foundation to. build upon.

We're highly selective in choosing our clients and we are evaluating you in the same way you evaluate us. We believe this is critical if we are to have a mutually respectful partnership where difficult conversations are never shied away from.

We collaborate only with companies we know we can deliver results for, with a 100% success rate.

Do you provide us a guarantee?

We use a proven model with a 100% success rate and are confident in its effectiveness.

We invest in the partnership to ensure success, and our clients have even asked us to expand into other areas of their businesses.

If we don't get you a 200% R.O.I. minimum we will work for free until we do. And if we are under 70% of the way to the target at the end of our agreement, we will refund 1 months fee as well as working for free.

We also provide a 'no-reason contract break clause. We do this because we are so confident we will grow your business.

How do you grow our business without spending on ads?

Most agencies in cyber security space will suggest the same marketing channels to grow. Inevitably, paid media will be part of this selection.

We bring a very different, new skillset, that allows your business to grow fast, but without spending any money on advertising. Which we all know get very expensive very quickly, eating into your profit margins.

We create new clients and increase your revenue by looking at and optimizing your entire sales and marketing process (where it can be improved).

We leverage outbound marketing, social selling and education based marketing to create sales opportunities consistently.

How do you balance growing your business with growing ours?

We view our client partners' growth as our growth. We invest in the world's best operations and marketing resources to support us and ensure mutual success.

How much time will you need from us (my team)?

This is a partnership so we do need regular time from a stakeholder inside your business. Typically 1 hour every 1 or 2 weeks is adequate to help us move your business forward and accelerate it's growth.

What does the working relationship look like?

We work collaboratively with your team to deliver results and impart knowledge. We assist in building and expanding your business in exchange for a share of the success.

A typical partnership engagement progresses like this:

Done For You > Consulting > Coaching > Enabling

And how fast we progress totally depends on the unique requirements of each of our partner's businesses.

How much of your time do we get?

We are fully invested in your success and will complete all tasks necessary without excuses. We are partners and will dedicate as much time as needed to achieve desired results.

Isn't email marketing dead?

Most companies have tried cold emailing and concluded that email marketing is ineffective. However, when done correctly, it is highly effective for B2B sales, with a low cost and high targeting ability. Our clients have achieved an open rate of 75%, proving that email marketing is still a valuable tool.


We're so confident that we will grow all of our partner's businesses that we are prepared to guarantee it.

The average R.O.I. our client's earn on their investment with us (in revenue) is 6 -10x.

If you don't get a minimum of 2x return we will work for free until you do.

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